Tuesday, June 11 2024
Story by Caroline Donetti,

AI Surveillance – An Infringement on Our Integrity?

With the recent uptick in artificial intelligence, the technology has now gnawed its way into public spaces – and our integrity.

Despite the recent, questionable rants of Scry Digital CEO Andrew Kang, the AI surveillance company has been making a lot of progress lately in terms of business deals and world domination.

With a collaboration long in the making, Scry is now rolling out a new AI surveillance technology in collaboration with Morsley that spans city-wide. Cameras can now detect individuals by face recognition and alert guards if the camera identifies someone as a threat (whatever that means), something that sparks discussion and controversy among the citizens of New York.

“I can’t even look at AI art anymore without having my integrity taken from me,” says one concerned local who prefers to be unnamed due to “integrity reasons.”

The AI surveillance system will be present in art galleries, banks, and even private homes, just to name a few. And more locations are bound to come. Kang said he refused to comment on the story but commented anyway by saying “it’s for the greater good.”

Whether this is an operation to further prevent incidents like the one that happened at Scry Digital headquarters a while back or if this is simply a personal vendetta is yet to be revealed.