Saturday, September 7 2024
Story by Stefan Laurence, , ,

Woman permanently blinded by eye scanner

An eye-opening incident caused by a faulty eye scanner has damaged the vision of a bank worker for life.

Earlier today, a bank worker was rushed to the hospital after losing her sight after trying to access a bank vault. The vault was installed with HAAB biometric security system that scans a person’s retinas in order to open. The woman was doing her daily checkups on the valuables, when the eye scanner burned her retinas straight off as soon as she placed her eyes on the screen.

The woman’s employer posted a job listing merely 12 minutes after the incident, looking for a “young, dedicated worker that is easy on the eyes”. Whether this is a mockery of the incident and the woman, or they simply want a good-looking person, is not clear.

The woman is doing okay despite the circumstances, but eager to get back to her employer again. It appears that she is not aware of the new job listing. After all, she can’t see it.