Monday, September 16 2024
Story by Stefan Laurence, , ,

Robert Banks Signs 10-year Contract To Voice Quantz Tech

Ever want to get more of known drug-fiend Robert Banks in your life? Me neither, but here we go.

Despite a troubled past, the anchor’s voice will power smart devices for the next decade. In a surprising move, Robert Banks, the star anchor of our Gateway Live, has signed a 10-year deal with tech company Quantz to lend his familiar voice to their products. Known for his commanding presence on New York’s top news show, Banks will now voice virtual assistants and smart devices for the tech giant. The decision raised eyebrows, given Banks’ controversial history, including multiple run-ins with the law and battles with drug and alcohol abuse. In fact, the unlikely partnership reportedly came out of a chance meeting at a rehab facility where both Mr. Banks and multiple members of the Quantz staff were “visiting” simultaneously.

Despite the frequent controversy, Banks’ reputation on Gateway Live has remained relatively untarnished, with viewers continuing to tune in, seemingly uncaring of his off-camera struggles. Quantz hopes Banks’ recognizable voice will give their products a unique edge, but critics wonder if tying their brand to such a polarizing figure is the right move. Still, some experts believe Banks’ authenticity might resonate with consumers. “He’s real, and people trust him, flaws and all,” said one industry insider.

As for Gateway Live, Banks’ partnership with Quantz is expected to have little impact on the show beyond possibly giving him the necessary funding to go to rehab a few more times, but it remains to be seen whether his past controversies will affect his new tech venture.