Wednesday, May 22 2024
Story by Ryan Cooper, ,

Enough to make you Scry

Following the bold daylight raid by armed assailants against the Scry Digital NYC data center last year, CEO Andrew Kang has doubled down on his commitment to AI-based security solutions.

Scry Digital lost significant market share following the dramatic robbery last year, and ever since, experts have questioned the viability of AI security. The successful robbery, as well as expert testimony is causing severe fluctuations in several businesses pursuing AI security solutions.

At the same time, reports from inside sources claim that Mr. Kang has been acting ever more erratically, going on long rants about the providence of the supposed clowns involved in the Scry Digital sabotage and robbery. The same source claims that Mr Kang is diverting a significant portion of the company’s resources to finding the identities of these masked villains. Doing so may prove a problem for the beleaguered CEO as it may lead to further accusations of misappropriation of company resources.

Mr Kang recently started using the Scry Digital social media account on X after months of silence. His initial posts appear to mix news conspiracy theories and AI art. More on this story as it develops.