Thursday, October 3 2024
Story by Stefan Laurence

Drug Bust At Retirement Home

The wrong medicine was delivered to a retirement home, the elderly took ecstasy instead of heart medication.

Pharmaceutical company EXone in court after mistakenly delivering the party drug “ecstasy” to patients at a retirement home in lieu of their expected delivery of heart medication. A company representative told The Gateway Report that the ecstasy was intended for an addiction research facility and not the St: Odin’s Retirement Castle where it ended up. Not only did the retirees get the shipment, but it was erroneously marked as heart medication – meaning many unknowing patients consumed the drug, thinking it was their intended and prescribed medicine.

Staff at the St: Odin’s Retirement Castle report that all patients that consumed the drug are tired but unharmed, they’re still cleaning up the mess from the impromptu party hosted by the elderly patients while affected by the drug, but otherwise no lasting harm was done.