Saturday, June 29 2024
Story by Ryan Cooper,

From Gold to Lead for NYPD

The 52nd precinct was recently given the dubious honor of safekeeping large quantities of impounded gold. A decision that has now proven disastrous for the NYPD.

Not only did the NYPD of the 52nd precinct in the Bronx not perform their given duty of keeping the gold safe. They also lost or tainted valuable evidence from a multitude of cases, lost the lives of officers and civilians alike, and most importantly, lost the trust of the public.

Criminals got access to the vault by demolishing a wall in the police station using high explosives followed by pulling the vault door off its hinges using a police tow truck. Our criminal consultancy experts are baffled at the crime, claiming that this broad-day bold crime “doesn’t happen outside of the movies.”
This time it did. Not only did the criminals pull it off, but they did so at the police’s own turf, begging the question, is anywhere safe against these masked thugs?

Neighborhood groups in the area have started support groups for people feeling unsafe due to the recent rise in organized and professional crime. Spokesperson for the community, Jessica M says to the Gateway Report “It’s crazy, crime has always been a fact of life, but waking up to the fact that the police can’t even defend themselves is just too much.

At least we’ve come together as a community, we’re preparing to petition the Governor to allow an exception to the state gun laws and allow the formation of a well-armed militia. It’d comprised of trusted community members and is something we feel we need now that the police have shown themselves unable to protect either them or us.”

As if the loss of lives and community trust wasn’t enough, the police stands to lose much more. Due to NY court regulations, all evidence kept in the vault after the robbery must be considered tainted. Meaning dozens of ongoing cases will now default to the defendants, potentially letting multiple dangerous criminals lose on the streets.

Check out our coverage of this story on The Gateway Report Live