Wednesday, May 15 2024
Story by Stefan Laurence,

A real stinker of a trial brings attention to Gun & Animal Rights

The woman who attempted to rob a fast food restaurant using a skunk as a weapon received unexpected help from unexpected allies in gun and animal rights organizations.

The woman who was arrested last year for attempting to rob a Hungry Bob using a skunk as her weapon of choice was convicted this week of armed robbery using a chemical weapon. The woman demanded 100 free Mega Bob Burgers from the restaurant, and when denied, the woman brandished the business district of a seemingly tame skunk.

In his closing statements, District Attorney Monk claimed that being sprayed by a skunk could cause bodily harm to anyone affected, negatively affecting personal relationships as well as severe financial damage to both the restaurant and its workers. Due to this, Judge McCarthy found sufficient cause to sentence the woman for both robbery and assault using a chemical weapon.

The ruling has raised eyebrows among local animal rights and weapon rights activists, who both claim the verdict is governmental overreach. Following the sentence, these organizations announced earlier in the week that they are joining forces to attempt to overturn the ruling, committing to cover legal expenses to the convicted woman and help appeal her sentence.