Wednesday, May 22 2024
Story by Stefan Laurence,

A Golden Opportunity for Soon Defunct Bronx Police Station

As the result of a raid on a Brooklyn gold investment firm, the 51st precinct of the NY police has seized what they refer to as “a truckload” of gold.”

Police opened an investigation following up on reports of large quantities of narcotics at the premises of a gold-for-cash store in Brooklyn, NY. A search warrant was executed early Tuesday morning and yielded felony quantities of unspecified narcotic substances.

The police claim that it is unknown at this time whether or not the seized gold had been gained as part of the business’ legal operations or as part of the suspected drug trade, but the gold has been seized.
The owner and employees of the unnamed gold-for-cash location are currently under police investigation. Police sources have declined to comment on whether or not the staff are under suspicion of being connected to a state-wide drug trade operation.

During a recent press conference, the Gateway Report spoke to Captain Ralph Falkowski of the 51st precinct.

Captain Falkowski said:
“Keeping items of this nature is par for the course for the 51st; we’ve kept gold, drugs, vehicles, and even exotic animals over the station’s long history. While the station has seen better days, our security is on par with what is expected of modern police facilities. It will continue to remain safe until the station itself is decommissioned.”

The Gateway Report has been unable to ascertain the name of the business from where the gold was captured and has been denied requests to contact the business owner, but we will update this story as we find out more.

Playing a key role in capturing and investigating the gold gives hope to members of the local community. The 51st Precinct is still going ahead with its planned decommission.

The precinct on Bruckner Blvd in the Bronx has a long history of community service; its closure will mean longer response times for residents in the area.

Estimates suggest that response times could increase by as much as 20 minutes, a lifetime for a person in a difficult situation. A representative from the local neighborhood watch claims that the closure of the 51st would pose a “significant risk” to the safety of the residents in the area.